Disney Considered Buying Twitter But Opted Not to Because “The Nastiness is Extraordinary”

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Disney has apparently considered buying everything in the entertainment industry, as we’ve now learned the media giant once considered buying out social media platform Twitter.

Disney CEO Bob Iger said (via the NY Times) the company once looked at buying the social media platform, however they opted against it because “the nastiness is extraordinary.”

“I like looking at my Twitter newsfeed because I want to follow 15, 20 different subjects,” Iger said. He then went on to describe the daily pain Twitter users experience:

Then you turn and look at your notifications and you’re immediately saying, why am I doing this? Why do I endure this pain? Like a lot of these platforms, they have the ability to do a lot of good in our world. They also have an ability to do a lot of bad. I didn’t want to take that on.”

Iger does make an interesting comment on enjoying David Portnoy’s feed, which is an opinion in and of itself. Huge public figures like Iger are typically not allowed to have opinions of any kind on social media, let alone in the public sphere.

Do you use Twitter? Is the nastiness truly extraordinary?



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